“She cried a bucket”. This lady made me misty eyed with her story while we were doing our vision care activity in Sta Cruz Laguna with my fellow ROTARIANS. Jennalyn while walking with her crutches, brought her smart little girl to avail of our free vision check and free optical lenses sponsored by Latter Day Saints Charities. I spotted Jennalyn on their way out from the venue. I asked her of her disability. She lost her leg in an accident a few years back and was not given help at all . She has been hoping that someday, she can have her prostheses. Her hopes and dreams will be realized because Physicians for Peace will give her the much desired above knee prostheses , which costs around 75T, but we will take care of it at no expense on Jennalyn. She hugged me tight and really cried. The Rotary grant will make this possible. WE BRING HOPE! #RoraryAndPhysiciansforPeace #TogetherMuchCanBeDone
She Cried a Bucket
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