Save the Sight of Children

SAVE THE SIGHT OF CHILDREN. In every school we visit, we give a brief lecture on the basics of visual acuity following the PERI screening guidelines and modules for kindergarten, and teach the teachers (Elem and Hi School levels) on the ABCs of a visual problem, A for appearance, B for Behaviour and C for complaints so the teachers can easily identify those with possible vision problem or impairment. Then Error of Refraction follows, when necessary and subsequently provide free prescription eyeglasses through the help from our sponsors and benefactors.

THE SOONER THE BETTER. The Rotary Club of Manila together with their international partners and Physicians for Peave have responded to the call from the Philippine Eye Research Institute (PERI), DepEd and DoH, to screen kindergarten pupils entering the filipino school system or those children ages 4 to 7, to detect errors of refraction and amblyopia or lazy eye, which apparently is common among children, that can cause visual impairment if left untreated. Vision problems detected and corrected early will affect favorably the child’s learning potential and opportunity for academic success. RC Manila has adopted several schools and hopefully be able to expand to more schools.

#physiciansforpeaceph #VisionCareProgram #AngMATAlinoMagpaCheckupNa #SaveTheSightOfChildren #Partnershipsandcollaboration



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      Silahis Arts and Artifacts Bldg 744

      General Luna Street Intramuros

      Manila, Philippines
