Thank you Megs and the Rotary Club of Metro Kalibo Aklan for appreciating the work we do at Physicians for Peace Philippines! And thank you for our continuing partnership, we enjoy working with you and your team. #ThankYouRotaryThankyouPhysiciansforPeace #physiciansforpeaceph
“Leadership is not about glorious crowning acts.” In Rotary, it’s about connection, impact, influence, empowerment and inspiration.” On behalf of Champion Pres. Arlene Tabang, it is my pleasure to present to you this award in this platform.
Thank you for being our PARTNER IN SERVICE. You made the difference during our series of Rotary Project WALK missions for the underprivileged. Thank you very much for being a team player, too. We also dedicate to you and your team our 13 champion awards for Rotary Year 2019-2020 from the recent Virtual District Conference & Awards 2020. One of which is the Champion in Club Project for PWD (Special Award).
Amidst the threat of Covid19 pandemic, there are more ways to make a difference in these uncertain times. Please continue to stay in touch.
Thank you for the privilege to be of service. Signing off now as RC Metro Kalibo club secretary. God bless!
– Megs ![❤](
Rotary WALKs. Last June 5, 2020, our latest Rotary Project WALK recipient Ms. Nancy Boroc, finally is walking free. She is undergoing continous therapy to ensure the safety and proper use of her new prosthesis legs.
WALK continue to propels once disability.
Thank you to our founding president of WALK, INC. Atty. Ed Escano, VP External Dr. Josephine Bundoc, PGH/UERM, Physicians for Peace Philippines team and sisterclub Rotary Forbes Park
for your untiring efforts and generosity to our cause.![](
for your untiring efforts and generosity to our cause.
Happy to see Nancy achieves her long time dream to walk with pride and dignity. She is the lady who was discriminated at the BIR Calbayog office last year. ![](
We also thank our club partner in Samar area – Rotary Calbayog (D3860) pres Maria Margarita Rivera Sajul, and her members through my fellow Philippines DGPRs and media for finding and assisting us since last year. Indeed, Rotary connects and responds. Each of you have contributed to making her dreams real. To GOD be the glory. ![](
Photos (c) Nancy. ![❤](
– Megs ![❤](