Mobility Missions in Cebu City

Physicians for Peace Philippines ongoing mobility mission in San Remigio Cebu in partnership with Church of Jesus of Latter Day Saints, Ynoc Family Foundation and the LGU of San Remigio. Thank you Tony and Antonio-Gloria Ynoc for hosting us.  #togethermuchcanbedone #wheelcgairdistribution

Physicians for Peace Philippines continuing mobility mission in Cebu city, this time at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish in Borbon, Cebu city, in partnership with Church of Jesus of Latter Day Saints and Ynoc Family Foundation. Thank you Tony and Gloria Ynoc for hosting.  #togethermuchcanbedone #PhysiciansforPeaceph

Successful assessment and distribution of wheelchairs, canes, walkers in San Remigio and Borbon, Cebu. Thank you Church of Jesus of Latter Day Saints and Ynoc Family Foundation , great service partners of Physicians for Peace Philippines.  #mobilityandassistivedevices #PhysiciansforPeaceph #collaborationandpartnership