Phsicians for Peace Philippines Walking Free (Mobility) Team in Naga City

Phsicians for Peace Philippines Walking Free (Mobility) team is in Naga city conducting Mobility mission, in partnership with the Rotary Club of Naga and Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Thank you RC Naga President Jonathan Lao and team for hosting and facilitating. Thank you Rev. Fr. Aba Florida for allowing us to use the Pastoral Parish as our venue.  #wheelchairAssessmentAndProvision #prostheses #othermobilitydevices #crutchesAndCanes

Meet Dexter from PDAO /LGU Sipocot Cam Sur. Dexter is a PWD but has been referring PWDs needing assistive devices to Physicians for Peace. He goes out to the community helping those in need despite of his condition. So happy to see him here in Naga city, while we are conducting our mobility mission, trying to facilitate a mission activity in Sipocot! Thank you Rev. Fr. Aba Florida , Rector of Naga Metropolitan Cathedral , for providing us a venue for today’s service activity.  #PastoralParishNagaMetropolianCathedral #ForPWDsAndCWDs

Derek , beaming with joy, is 12 years old with cerebral palsy. The family has been longing to get the right wheelchair for their son. Physicians for Peace Philippines and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints made this possible thru the help of the Sienna College/Sta Clara Academy Alumni Assn. Derek is from.Tigaon Cam Sur.  #physiciansforpeaceph #givingbacktoAlmaMater

Cheino has cerebral palsy and is now 20 years old. He is one of the recipients of the customized wheelchair by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and Physicians for Peace Mobility program during our service activity in Bicol. Cheino is from Tigaon Cam Sur. Thank you Sienna College (formerly Sta Clara Academy) Alumni Assn for helping us facilitate provision in Tigaon. His smile warms our heart.  #physiciansforpeaceph


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      General Luna Street Intramuros

      Manila, Philippines


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