In 1 day, simultaneous PFP missions were carried out successfully by Team Davao & Team Sarangani.
9:00 – 4:00 pm: Prosthesis fitting in Southern Phil Med Center by Team Davao
9:00- 7:00 pm: Wheelchair assessment, assembly and fitting in Provincial Capitol by Team Sarangani
5:00 – 8:00 pm: Team Davao’s land trip to Gen San to join Team Sarangani
THANK YOU PFP VOLUNTEERS from PGH, UERM-PSPO, SPMC,La Salle Health Science Institute, Engr Jun
HEARTFELT APPRECIATION to Dr Vega &Aportadera for hosting Davao ;Gov Steve, Asma & technical staff for Sarangani;FilAm Assoc of Central New Jersey and Church of Latter- Day Saints Charities for the wheelchairs!