Physicians for Peace Philippines in partnership with Rotary International District 3810 made it to several areas in Occidental Mindoro to conduct our Walking Free and Beyond program ( Mobility ) and Vision Care services to hundreds of people in these areas. Thank you Gov Odie F. Tarriela and Latter Day Saints Charities for making this possible. #greatpartnership #TogetherMuchCanBeDone
PEOPLE OF ACTION Rotarians from RI D3810 and Physicians for Peace Philippines traveling across the seas to deliver health care services in Mindoro Occidental. First stop to cover Mamburao, Sablayan and nearby towns. Thank you Gov Odie F. Tarriela and team , Latter Day Saints Charities for the mobility devices , Dr. Penny Bundoc and PFP team of Optometrists wheelchair Assessors, Prosthetists and Technicians! Thank you Rotarian Len Hao for your great coordination and assist! #physiciansforpeaceph #RID3810PFPpartnership
PEOPLE of ACTION! Thank you Rotary International District 3810 Latter day Saints Charities and our team of people with a big heart!