Joint Project with Rotary District 3780

Smiles and thank you from our beneficiaries are so heartwarming. Ms. Bernadette Sembrano of TeleRadyo visits Physicians for Peace Philippines healthcare mission activity at the Rotary center in QC. This is a joint project with Gov Ed Ayento and PDG Dan Espinosa of RI D3780. #ChristmasGiftsToPWDs #PhysiciansforPeaceph #mobilityandvisioncare #PFPPandRotaryPartnetships

Joint Project of Rotary District 3780 and Physicians for Peace Philippines.

Provide Free, Prostheses, Specialize Wheelchairs, eyeglasses and braces for scolliosis.

Thank you very much CM/ Gov. Lyne Abanilla, Dra. Penny Bundoc and PFP Team. Nice Christmas gifts to PWDs. More power to you all.

District Team led by DG Ed Ayento and D3780 Rotary Clubs


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      Silahis Arts and Artifacts Bldg 744

      General Luna Street Intramuros

      Manila, Philippines


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