Providing Health Services in Calamba Laguna with RI D3820

On our way to a healthcare service activity with RI D3820 #readytoserve #physiciansforpeaceph #PFPandRotary #TogetherMuchCanBeDone

Physicians for Peace on going health services in Calamba Laguna in partnership with RC Calamba city and RC Calamba Metro of RI D3820 and Latter Day Saints Charities

Whew! So many people turned out waiting for our health service programs on Mobility (assesment of amputees and those needing wheelchairs and other mobility devices, Eye Care or Optical check and provision of presctiption eyeglasses, breast and cervical screening , Ear Check and provision of hearing aids to a few lucky ones. Everyone went home happy and grateful. #ThankyouPhysiciansforPeaceph

#ThankyouRotary #TogetherMuchCanBeDone


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      Silahis Arts and Artifacts Bldg 744

      General Luna Street Intramuros

      Manila, Philippines
